108 Flowers - Book 2

108 Flowers - Book 2

Producing 108 Flowers Book 1 was a lone journey of "The Old Man and the Sea." The second phase was particularly challenging in motivating oneself to continue. But the belief that even one good lesson may inspire and spark the interest of someone across time and space kept me focused. I know the Old Man was never alone. Many would share his struggle and appreciate his effort.

As one of the 007's theme songs goes, "You Only Live Twice: one for yourself and one for your dream." Fortunately for me, these two lives merge seamlessly. Painting is a beautiful dream. I have created a dream world and I am living a dream. I dream about doing better and believe I can. Through teaching, I am able to share this dream with others.

With the right instruction and equipment, I know many will enjoy brush painting as much as I do. Still, I am constantly amazed at how well folks have done with my lessons. With this book, brush painting is indeed "a piece of cake."

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108 Flowers - Book 2
  • Hibiscus

    I raised silk worms when I was in grade school. These worms are incredible eating machines. They are very picky eaters. On day, I ran out of mulberry leaves. In a panic, I fed the worms with hibiscus leaves. The leaves are shaped the same. The worms had no eyes anyway. They would not know the dif...

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